Lush Lotus operates on a not-for-profit basis, with any profits made being back into charitable activities

Lush Lotus is a Community interest group on a mission to guide and self-regenerate individuals within the BAME community to discover their capability for their career path, vocational training and also support individuals who are new to the community who find it hard to integrate and channel them in the right direction.

Lush lotus is committed to its vision to provide a proactive approach to bridge the gap which has been created by barriers to employment and wellbeing of people of BAME background to enhance positive mindset and promote ethnic diversity.

Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.

Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.

Our Values

-Community Focused- The community is at the centre of all we do


-Collaboration –We aim to collaborate with charities and organisations to deliver common goals to the community

Our Values

-Community Focused- The community is at the centre of all we do


-Collaboration –We aim to collaborate with charities and organisations to deliver common goals to the community

“That’s it. Love makes us all strong”

“That’s it. Love makes us all strong”